Winter Publications


Next Week the classes are starting, but before that a quick review of the good news for this winter:

  • Two of my students presented works on the National Meeting of the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ). Kazusada Kawamo won a "Student Recommendation Prize" with his poster "Continuous Optimization using Parallel Cuckoo Search with Multiple Swarms"

  • Icaro Miranda, who I co-supervise with professor Marcelo Ladeira at University of Brazilia, got his work accepted at the Conference on Evolutionary Computation, CEC2018: "A Comparison Study Between Deep Learning and Genetic Programming Application in Cart Pole Balancing Problem". It took a lot of work to get this paper to its current stage!

  • Me and Jair Pereira will present a Poster at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO2018: "Comparative Study on Discrete SI Approaches to the Graph Coloring Problem." This is a small intro to a very interesting work that Jair will begin when he joins our group here in Tsukuba later this year.

  • Dongqing Zhao got her paper accepted by the Journal of the Japanese Society of Evolutionary Computation: "Solving Facility Layout Problems Using EA with Levy Flight". This work summarizes her PhD thesis, and was the result of 3 years of very hard work.

All in all, it was a very productive winter! Here's hoping that the rest of this year keeps up the pace.

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